The Optimal Body Podcast

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105: Understanding Pelvic Health with Pelvic Floor Therapist, Dr. Marcy Crouch

Prepare for labor? Struggling with Pelvic Floor issues? Wondering what the hype around core stability is about? Take a deep dive down there. She explains the anatomy, biomechanics, true and optimal core stability, her favorite functional kegel technique, and common strength and conditions principles. Furthermore, she provides her tips on pelvic floor awareness and leaking pee! Finally, Dr.Crouch debunks popular myths, advocates for prepartum and postpartum resources, and addresses preparing for labor. #novaginaleftbehind

Episode 104 | Golfer's Elbow - What it is and what to do!

Pain around the inner side of the elbow? Feeling sensations when you flex the wrist? Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom dive into Golfer’s elbow, also known as Medial Epicondylitis. They describe the anatomy and physiology associated with Golfer's elbow, and explain the more recent research surrounding the causes around the symptoms of Golfer’s elbow. They highlight how to test for Golfer’s elbow. and talk into treatment for Golfer’s Elbow,

TOB Episode 103 cover image

Episode 103 | Improving Accessibility to Healthy Food with Ashely Tyrner of Farmbox Direct

Feel unsatisfied with the quality of produce in your nearest grocery store? Find grocery shopping a burden due to distance or incompatibility? Ashley emphasizes the connections between Farmbox Direct health care programs. She empathizes with the time constraints that come with being a Mom but values the importance of involving children in cooking activities. Finally, Ashley explains how to choose your best box. Tune in!

Optimal Body Podcast - tennis elbow episode

Episode 102 | Tennis Elbow - What it is and what to do!

Pain around the outer knobbly bit of your elbow? Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom dive into Tennis elbow, also known as Lateral Epicondylitis. They describe the anatomy and the muscles associated with Tennis elbow, explain the recent research surrounding the causes, the tests used to diagnose, and how Tennis elbow may manifest in grip strength, lack of shoulder strength, and muscle tenderness. Furthermore, they touch on how smoking and obesity are risk factors, and how to address your Tennis Elbow! Listen in to hear all about Tennis Elbow!

Optimal Body Podcast - Making fitness accessible episode

Episode 101 | Making Fitness Accessible & Fun At Any Stage Of Life With Simone De La Rue

Hate traditional forms of cardio, but love dancing? Feeling unmotivated during quarantine? Dwelling under social media pressures to "bounce back" post-pregnancy? Simone De La Rue found a career shift, from ego-driven to service-driven, in purpose. Simone guides you through the power of dance as a form of “therapy, creative outlet, and form of expression,” her top recommendations on how to start dance at home and how to stay motivated, and the power of realism on social media, especially for pregnant and post-partum women. Touch base and feel invigorated with Simone as she leads you through her learnings and advice.

The Optimal Body podcast episode 100

Episode 100 | Answering YOUR Questions + Bonus Giveaway!!

“Pain is our protector...the goal is not to feel pain. It is how we are going to move through life with pain signals,” says DocJen. DocJen & Dr. Dom take a deep dive into how self-worth relates to chronic pain, distinguish between soreness (or DOMs), injury, and pain, and if it is possible to be pain-free. Finally, they highlight their top 3 favorite guests in the last 100 episodes: Tune into our episode special, now!

Episode 99 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Episode 99 | Exercise & Therapy for Pregnancy & Post-Partum with Physical Therapist, Lashonda Jones

Curious about pelvic floor health? Lashonda covers it all from rehabilitating that core for pregnancy to diastasis recti to incontinence. She discusses her top tips on healing from diastasis recti and connecting with the pelvic floor, and her thoughts on Kegels and what they mean. She addresses how you can explore balance in the pelvic floor, distinguish between pelvic floor tightness and weakness, and how you know if you are working your core enough. Listen in for the best of Lashondas tips!

Episode 98 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Episode 98 | Strength, Mobility, or Corrective Exercises? What Should You Do Daily?

What is the Optimal Body really about? Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom talk about how the 30-day challenges can be used as a guide and how to use the Optimal Body as a toolbox to develop true awareness of your body. Tune into a breakdown of the Optimal Body Mobility Flows, Muscle Activation, Core, and HIIT, and how you can begin to approach and implement these tools in your day. Finally, Dr. Jen wraps up the episode by explaining how she personally implements the aspects of the Optimal Body in her day. Yet, this journey is about you, your needs, your experiences, and your health. Explore, gain awareness, try, and start now!

Episode 97 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Episode 97 | The Importance of Telemedicine with Physician Dr Shani Muhammed

Finding it difficult to address your medical issues and navigate the traditional health care system? Feel rushed or like there is never enough time? Dr. Shani takes you through her brief, yet insightful story on what inspired her to be a physician, why she switched to telemedicine, and how the Steady MD platform allows her to practice in a fulfilling and truly helpful manner. Finally, she dives into her work with weight loss, perimenopause, and menopause. Tune in to find out how Steady MD may be your way to effectively addressing your health.

Episode 96 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Episode 96 | Knee Osteoarthritis? Reduce Pain & Improve Function

Feeling pain in your knees? Worried about getting Knee Osteoarthritis? Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom address the fears associated with the diagnosis and the physiology of what is happening in the body. Remember, your scan does not necessarily correlate with the symptoms you are experiencing. They hone in on the importance of exercise and systemic strength, through research, to create different tendencies around the knee, and prevent prolonged symptoms or symptoms from arising. Tune in!

Episode 95 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Episode 95 | Understanding the Gut Stuff from the Mac Twins

Curious about or fascinated by the Microbiota? Feeling bloated too often than not? Struggling to figure out whether you are allergic or intolerant? Take a deep dive into your gut bugs with the Mac Twins. They delve into all things poo, and how informative your poop can be in relation to the status of your health. “You do your poo,” says the Mac Twins. Tune in to find out how you can begin to optimize your gut bugs and empower yourself with gut education!

Episode 94 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Episode 94 | How To Mobilize Throughout Your Day

“Self-assess, don’t guess.” Mobility is the foundation you need to address the experiences you are feeling in your body, to create a more optimal environment for your body, and to bulletproof your body from the restrictions that may be contributing to your pain. Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom explain the differences between mobility and flexibility, the tools in the Mobility Method, how to approach the program, and how you can implement the exercises in YOUR day for YOUR body. As Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom walk you through how they approach mobility throughout the day, they provide you with the tips to truly dig deep, understand your “why,” and create change within your body through your own means!

TOB Episode 93: Addressing the Root Cause of Pain & Treatment with Dr. Leada Malek

Episode 93 | Addressing the Root Cause of Pain & Treatment with Dr. Leada Malek

You are not defined by your injury, your pain, your diagnosis, or what the MRI scan depicts. Dr. Malek emphasizes the significance of rapport and her ultimate goals of creating a brain-safe environment for all “athletes of life.” She re-iterates how vital it is to explore novelty and optimal sensation in your body. In her eyes, the brain directs the value and success of your physical therapy. Soon after, she dives into preconceptions around manual therapy and emphasizing mind-body connection. Finally, Dr. Malek speaks to how athleticism, as an aspect of identity, overtraining and the athlete trial concept. Listen in as Dr. Malek inspires you to "trust that people care about you and want you to get better!"

TOB Episode 92: TMJ (Jaw) Pain or Symptoms? What You Can Do

Episode 92 | TMJ (Jaw) Pain or Symptoms? What You Can Do

Do you get jaw pain when opening your mouth? Maybe pain associated with clicking noises from your jaw? Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom explore TMD or temporomandibular disorders and address your symptoms in and around the jaw. They explain the basic anatomy of the jaw, how to address pops and clicks from the jaw, discuss soreness with habitual jaw clenching and teeth grinding, and how headaches, neck pain, and ringing in the ears may be associated with TMD. Finally, they provide you with a few tools and exercises to explore, manage, and find your way through your symptoms. Tune in to find, understand, and overcome what you are experiencing. Hopefully, you can take that big burrito bite again!

Episode 91 | Exploring the Use of Manual Therapy & Shoulder Rehab in Physical Therapy with Dr. Mike Reinold

Got a nagging shoulder issue? Wondering if physical therapy is for you? Interested in how you can perform better? Dr. Mike Reinold speaks to his expertise with the shoulders. He explores movement through the context of motor patterns and motor control. Furthermore, he explains how the sedentary lifestyle contributes to the “use it or lose it” phenomena. Through his 3 step approach to “performance therapy,” Dr. Mike discusses why pain may persist, even after implementing recommended exercises from physical therapists; the importance of seeking out appropriate assistance; and highlights open-mindedness as a key factor in career growth. Listen in as Dr. Mike encourages and empowers you with bouts of knowledge and advice to restore, optimize, and enhance your performance!

TOB Episode 90: Is an Adjustment or Manipulation Really Putting You Back In Place?

Episode 90 | Is an Adjustment or Manipulation Really Putting You Back In Place?

Love the feel-good crackles and pops when you receive an adjustment? Feeling helpless and in pain, because you can’t get to your PT during lockdown? “Once you pop the fun don’t stop?” Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom spill the truths about what is really happening when you receive an adjustment. In essence, it all comes down to “talking” to the tissues and the brains' perception. They educate you with scientific literature and empower you with ways in which you can start to achieve that feel-good adjustment sensation in the comfort of your own home. Listen in to re-educate yourself around the beliefs around physical adjustments.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 89 - Exploring masculinity and femininity in relationships with Matt Boggs

Episode 89 | Exploring Masculinity & Feminity in Relationship with Mat Boggs

“Relationships is a skill,” says Mat. It is common to feel this expectation to have all your relationships, whether romantic, familial, or professional, figured out. But, in reality, most of us don’t really have them all perfect. Mat explores the dynamics of relationships by discussing the a contemporary perspective on the spectrum of masculine and feminine energies. Mat wholeheartedly believes in love as a phenomenon that starts with you and your relationship with yourself. To wrap it up, Mat offers tools and a practice to help you delve into your relationships and face any circumstances of self-critique. Let’s dive in!

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 88 - Hot therapy: heat packs and saunas

Episode 88 | Hot Therapy - Heat Packs & Saunas

Are you wondering whether heat packs actually work? Wondering if saunas are more than just a spa day treat? Tune in to Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom explain how heat relates to physiological, localized, and systemic effects throughout the body. With an initial conversation about localized heat applications and the nervous system, they explore the use of saunas, uncovering some mind-blowing statistics on how changing up the environment can have profound effects on systemic adaptations. Let’s dive into how you can implement heat, as a tool, to feel something different and explore what is OPTIMAL for YOU!

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 87 - Overcoming 17 years of adder all use for ADHD and anxiety with Sheeva Rouhanifard

Episode 87 | Overcoming 17 Years of Adderall Use for ADHD and Anxiety with Sheeva Rouhanifard

Do your doctors prescribe an end-all-be-all generalized medication protocol to your unique condition? Contemplating what life might look like off medication? Tune in as Sheeva shares her experience coming off 17 years of Adderall. Sheeva talks into how mindset, community, rest, and appropriate supplementation eased and assisted the process of becoming independent from Adderall. Finally, she hones in on how open-mindedness, as well as purposeful reflection, can facilitate the withdrawal process, highlighting the necessity for further literature in taking medication long-term and polypharmacy.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 86 - Foam rolling: what is it really doing?

Episode 86 | Foam Rolling - What is it really doing?

Confused about the different opinions on foam rolling? Feel an immense and soothing release when you foam roll? Breaking up tissue adhesions or getting more flexible with foam rolling? Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom dive into the science behind foam rolling and how foam rolling is a tool for accessing the nervous system. With more scientific literature, the beliefs around foam rolling as a self-myofascial release technique have been revised. They explore foam rolling in the context of pain, restrictions, and proprioception. By exploring these topics, they uncover how foam rolling ties into sensory stimulation, neurochemical feedback, and neural mechanisms, ultimately debunking outdated beliefs about foam rolling and its relations to mechanical fascial release. Tune in to learn more about how you can use the foam roller to optimize your day and exercise with intention and purpose.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 85 - Clean up your environment to clean up your health with Allison Evans

Episode 85 | Clean Up Your Environment To Clean Up Your Health with Allison Evans

When we approach health holistically, it becomes more than diet and exercise. True health encompasses everything in our environmental umbrella, including the chemical toxins we inhale, ingest, and come into contact with. Allison Evans, the co-founder of Branch Basics, takes you on a ride through her PCOS and chronic pain story, unveiling her Aunt Marilee’s secrets to health. By addressing the toxins in her external environment, Allison drove transformative effects within her body. With a particular focus on chemical toxins, Allison deciphers common and reductionist labels in the food and fragrance industry, honing in on the steps you can take to optimize your health and live a chemical-free life. Through her personal healing experiences, she provides scope into motherhood and budgeting, rooting importance in exemplifying and gifting your child with health. Her goal is to provide an ever-changing and true healing experience for others, empowering you with the tools and knowledge to make more optimal decisions. Let’s dive deep into how you might change your life by going toxic-free!

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 84 - Slipping ribs? Is that what's really happening?

Episode 84 | Slipping Ribs?! Is That Really What's Happening?

Are you feeling excruciating pain around the ribs? Have you been or know anyone diagnosed with slipped ribs? Doc Jen & Dr. Dom begin the conversation by talking into the ribcage and addressing the fear that commonly surrounds diagnostic verbiage, particularly with the use of “slipped” in this context. They explore the literature around the cause of “slipped” ribs, as well as the role and information imaging provides when receiving a referral from a physiotherapist, a medical diagnosis, or a differential diagnosis. By going back to the basics, they provide you with exercises and tips to help you establish support, safety, and stability in the body, ultimately easing and addressing the nervous system systemically. They highlight the significance of listening and addressing your bodily cues, as well as patterning to provide feedback for the nervous system. Dive in to learn more and feel empowered as you drive the internal change your body is craving!

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 83 - Exploring Psychedelics in therapy for healing with Lauren Taus

Episode 83 | Exploring Psychadelics in Therapy for Healing with Lauren Taus

Ever been curious about psychedelics? Looking to learn more about plant medicine? This episode has got you covered with the healing effects of psychedelics and the therapeutic benefits of drug therapy. Drugs have been stigmatized and have received a bad rep. However, Lauren Taus, psychedelic assisted psychotherapist, sheds light on the healing effects of plant medicine and how appropriate psychedelics can truly be transformative. Lauren explores what psychedelics actually are and the misconceptions around them. Lauren speaks to her perspectives on the legality of drugs and her expertise in MDMA therapy for PTSD and other mental disorders. Through scientific literature and anecdotal perspectives from psychedelic work, she emphasizes its healing effects on trauma and the importance of stepping into our emotions to release suffering. Through her approach to psychedelics, Lauren provides you with considerations upon approaching psychedelics for yourself, and the steps you can take to free yourself from physical manifestations of the mental sufferings you may be holding on to. Tune into this episode to find out how psychedelics and plant medicine may be your key to activating a different perspective, to uncovering meanings and purposes that surround your experiences, and how you can truly discover presence through pure liberation.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 82 - Rounded Shoulders: What should you do?

Episode 82 | Rounded Shoulders?! What Should You Do?

Feeling aches and tightness around your upper back, shoulders, and neck? Take a moment to reflect back on the last 24 hours and notice how many different positions you’ve moved into. We tend to find ourselves stagnant in one position for long periods of time. Our bodies crave movement. Doc Jen and Dr. Dom dive into the anatomy of rounded shoulders and why you find yourself in a rounded position. In 20 minutes, this episode provides insight into how the ribcage, thoracic spine, and shoulders contribute to your posture, as well as how you can change it up and relax into a less tensed and more optimal position. Let’s get moving!

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 81 - Trust your truth with Shannon Algeo

Episode 81 | Trust Your Truth with Shannon Algeo

Do you find yourself stuck in the past? Are you seeking but cannot seem to move on? Is your go-to solution to triggers and “undesirable” emotions to suppress and repress them? The truth is, we all suffer from trauma in some way shape or form. We live in a society that stigmatizes emotional behaviors and representations that consequently arise from our experiences of trauma. Shannon Algeo speaks the truth about distinguishing what we internalize from society and what the truths inside of us actually encompass. He guides the path of trusting and exploiting your inner-voice as a representation of your intuition and rightful ego. Through this journey, you will unveil the capacity and permission to just feel. Shannon shares his approach to accessing your truth through exploring the 7 chakras that align your body, and by delving into his NPFL, re-centring, and titrating tools to facilitate your process to self-discovery and self-trust. Get ready to feel invigorated, yet grounded, and be a part of the conversation as Shannon, Dr. Jen, and Dr. Dom shed light on their experiences with all things emotions, trauma, and what it meant for them to dive in and explore their truths.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 80 - Cold therapy, to ice or not to ice?

Episode 80 | Cold Therapy - To Ice or not to ice?

To ice or not to ice an injury? With different health professionals advising for and against using ice post-injury, you are not alone if you are feeling confused. From RICE to PEACE & LOVE, Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom uncover the evolution of the ice protocol, and simplify explanations surrounding the immunology behind inflammation and swelling. By honing in on the importance of allowing the body to mediate its natural healing mechanisms and processes, they provide insight into the benefits and considerations with using ice, considering the psychological influence of optimism. Finally, Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom shed light on the nervous system with regards to management and how healthy stressors highlight the adaptive capabilities of the body. Let’s dive in!

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 79 - The truth behind fat loss with Dr. Andy Galpin

Episode 79 | The Truth Behind Fat Loss with Dr. Andy Galpin

Find yourself in a vicious diet-binge cycle? Overwhelmed with all the fat loss advice out there? We are all exposed to a multitude of fad and short-term diet hacks and training programs that are band-aid and unsustainable approaches to weight loss. Dr. Andy Galpin uncovers the truth of fat loss through a biochemical lens. Using analogies that compare cooks to bakers, Dr. Andy uses a personalized approach, debunking common and generalized myths around the “best” diet and exercise methods for fat loss. He hones in on the importance of defining your priorities, identifying how you can align yourself and commit to a system compatible with your personality. He speaks to how you can optimize your goals through a realistic time frame and consistency, taking into account your work, family, relationships, physical training, and recovery. Through his expertise in biomechanics, he uses the foundational phenomenon of CO2 tolerance to explain methods to sustainable fat loss, as well as how CO2 tolerance relates to recovery, overtraining, and trait state anxiety. Get ready to listen in on how Dr. Andy simplifies the truth about fat loss.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 78 - Carpal tunnel, what is it and what can you do

Episode 78 | Carpal Tunnel: What is it and what can you do?

Do you feel pins and needles around your wrist and fingers more often than not? Feeling tingling sensations down your arm when you move your neck around? Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom may have your answer. Listen in as they lay out the specifics as to why you may be feeling the sensations you are feeling and what you can do about it. From symptoms of edema, burning and tingling sensations, along with uncomfortable sharp pain, they debunk the myth around the use of just using tools to relieve pain. By providing you with the tools to neuro-mobilize and create more space, you will generate awareness and understand your symptoms as your body is truly interconnected.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 77 - Overcoming epilepsy disease through holistic health and diet with Scott Sommer

Episode 77 | Overcoming Epilepsy & Disease through Holistic Health & Diet with Scott Sommer

Tired of reading all the contradictory perspectives on health and diet? Are you or do you know someone struggling to figure out their diet with a diagnosis, like epilepsy? This podcast is for you! This is your one stop shop to your questions regarding diet and optimizing your health for top performance. Scott Sommer provides you with simple answers to holistic health, using your diet, which we’ve complicated with the products and by-products of the industrial revolution. Through his unique approach that merges western and eastern science and understanding about the body, Scott uses the analogy of a battery to describe the body and how his expertise in 30 different treatment modalities provide a synergistic and personalised approach to his clients' needs. Foundationally, he expresses the importance of consuming organic and nutrient-dense food through his upbringing and comparisons between modern-era life to life nowadays. Scott reveals the epidemiology surrounding nutritional deficiencies and common health risks, promoting the Nutritarian diet as a holistic approach to optimizing longevity and performance. Tune in to discover more!

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 76 - Tech neck and forward head posture

Episode 76 | Tech Neck & Forward Head Posture

“It’s natural and normal for the head to follow your gaze and your gaze to follow attention,” says Dr. Jen. But, do you find yourself staring down at your screen for hours at a time? As we progress further into the digital age, especially in times of a pandemic where everyone is working from home, we are almost all subject to being glued to our devices. However, Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom describe how we can create small changes to optimize our posture and overall productivity. We are all victims of “text neck.” Instead of being self-critical, Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom speak about getting comfortable, changing up the monitor environment, and ways in which we can enhance neck stability to sustain and endure the positions we put ourselves in. Ultimately, with no one "optimal" position, tune in to uncover the most optimal prescription to prevent the onset of tightness, pain, and stagnant discomfort in the body.

The Optimal Body Episode 75 - Optimizing brain health through exercise with Ryan Glatt

Episode 75 | Optimizing Brain Health through Exercise with Ryan Glatt

Want to boost your brain health?! Looking for ways or reasons to spice up your physical activity? Listen in as Ryan Glatt explains why aerobic activity may not be the BEST exercise for brain health. He will guide you through what a “3 Macronutrients” approach is, a metaphor describing a holistic approach to exercise, which uses all the benefits of physical movement to maximize brain health. With exercise being an under-utilized prescription to prolonging or offsetting symptoms to brain-related and cognitive disorders, Ryan explains how modulating exercise can complement and ameliorate the quality of your life. Throughout this episode, Ryan breaks down the micro and macro-level effects and purposes of different types of exercise on the brain, in relation to neuroplasticity, brain metabolism, and cognitive enhancement. Kill two birds with one stone as you immerse yourself into game-changing exercise science that will add purpose and intention to your movement, and ultimately optimize productivity and your ability to maintain functional independence and identity in all aspects of your life through optimal brain health!

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 74 - Neurotension

Episode 74 | Neurotension: Numbness, Tingling, Pain!? What Should We Do!

Ever wonder why you feel your pinky tingling when you hit your funny bone? Feeling radiating pins and needles? We’ve all felt pins and needles in our feet and hands, but neurotension is a little different. Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom break down the knits and grits of different types of pain and how they may associate with neural tension, through the concept of neurodynamics. They describe possible reasons for your bouts of neural tension and how movement can prevent the onset of neural tension. By diving into the specifics of neurodynamics, both in the upper and lower extremities, Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom direct attention towards neural gliding as a means of testing for neural tension and optimizing nerve functionality. Listen up as you gain insight into getting your nerves functional and not so static.

the optimal body podcast episode 73 - reversing autoimmune disease the natural way with Dr. Brooke Goldner

Episode 73 | Reversing Autoimmune Disease the Natural Way with Dr. Brooke Goldner

Need some reassurance that you're not "crazy"? That what you feel is REAL and there could actually be solutions? Confused as to why your complications are persisting or might be driving your mind or mood down? Interested in the concept of “disease reversal?” Perhaps you are or know of someone struggling with autoimmune disease. Hear Dr. Brooke Goldner, MD, as she walks us through her story with Lupus, an autoimmune disease, and how she reversed her symptoms, ultimately producing several Lupus-negative test results. As a "why-forward" and humane doctor who recognized her purpose early on, Dr. Goldner provides us with a story you can vicariously learn from. She mentions life-changing tools that can help you dig deeper and investigate your reasons and changes that will enable you to live a more fulfilling, joyous, and optimal life. Let’s dive in!

The optimal body podcast episode 72 - scapular winging

Episode 72 | Scapular Winging? What Can You Do!

Seen or been told your shoulder blade is in a funky position during exercise? Perhaps popping out a little bit? Heard that scapular winging will cause pain inadvertently? Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom have your back as they explore all things scapular and debunk the common myths surrounding scapular winging. Tune into how scapular winging occurs, how you can begin to explore scapular range of motion, and how your scapular moves in coordination with its neighbors. Through this podcast, you’ll develop an appreciation for your scapulae and feel empowered to explore gaining control, awareness, and free expression through your scapulae!

The optimal body podcast episode 71 - managing stress, anxiety, and gut health with Jacquelyn Umof

Episode 71 | Managing Stress, Anxiety and Gut Health with Jacquelyn Umof

Stuck in a mind rut? Ever felt ashamed to have body-appearance related goals? Trying to figure out your gut issues but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. Jacquelyn Umof, former dancer and current fitness instructor, opens up about her story and struggles through anxiety, finding mind-body connection through movement, body image and identity, empowerment and gut issues and more! As Jacquelyn walks us through her path, she provides insight into the pivotal moments in her life that allowed her to understand what she was going through and how she needed to manage it. Furthermore, Jacquelyn speaks to her journey with gut issues of bloating, skin ulcers, and more. Ultimately, this podcast will help you find the empowerment you need to accomplish the goals you desire and have the tools to follow through with them. Jacquelyn will provide reassurance through her bursts of mindset boosters that will help you find the mindset that’s optimal for you.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 70 - Hamstring strains and over use, prevent them with these exercises

Episode 70 | Hamstring Strains & Overuse: Help Prevent them with These Exercises

Ever wonder why your hamstrings are always tight? Do you find yourself constantly stretching, only to feel tight again in a few hours? Are you a runner but feel discomfort in the back of your thighs? Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom dive into the hamstrings, culprits to hamstring strains and overuse injuries, and what you can do to help your hamstrings. They hone in on the importance of building hamstring awareness, the significance of progressive overload, and what you can do to help your hamstrings meet the demands of your day to day lives and your training. You’ll find the tools to help you understand the sensations you’re feeling and how you can navigate those sensations to feel optimal and functional again.

TOB Episode 69: Understanding Meditation and How to Actually Do It with Justin Michael Williams

Episode 69 | Understanding Meditation and How to Actually Do It with Justin Michael Williams

Feel like you can’t meditate? In a fast-paced, ever-going, and dynamic world, we’re taught to submerge ourselves in a culture that distances ourselves from our emotions, promotes instant gratification, and always looks to achieving more. Listen in as Justin speaks to staying “woke” by establishing a deeper connection with our inner-selves to unveil who we are and our true purposes. Through a combined scientific and spiritual approach, Justin uncovers his method to a simple meditation practice that allows us to forgive ourselves, inspire courage, and help us re-discover our paths to life as we re-ground and unlock our potentials to live a fully alive life.

TOB Episode 68: Sciatica? Pain Down The Leg? Learn why!

Episode 68 | Sciatica? Pain Down The Leg? Learn Why!

Are you someone who deals with pain and tingling sensations that run down your leg? Have you heard the term "Sciatica" but aren’t fully aware of what it is? Then you are definitely going to want to tune into this episode as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom dive into what Sciatica is and how to correctly identify it. In addition, you will learn about common misconceptions associated with Sciatica along with simple lifestyle changes you can make in order to help you live your most optimal life!

TOB Episode 67: Finding Credibility and Research to Overcome Eating Disorders with Sohee Lee and Ben Carpenter

Episode 67 | Finding Credibility and Research to Overcome Eating Disorders with Sohee Lee and Ben Carpenter

Do you find yourself having an unhealthy relationship with the foods that you consume? Have you ever been told that you need to look a certain way to be healthy? Most of us have been caught in this trap and it can seem hard to escape the never ending cycle of misinformation. This episode with Sohee Lee and Ben Carpenter, health and wellness coaches, dive into uncovering myths and misconceptions that are commonly used in the fitness industry. Learn about how to build trust with where you find your information as well as finding out which methods and processes are the most optimal for you.

TOB Episode 66: Crepitus - Crunchy Knees? What Does it Mean?

Episode 66 | Crepitus: Crunchy Knees? What Does it Mean?

Do your knees pop and crackle like rice krispies when doing squats?! Ever been told to stop doing movements that cause your knees to make those noises? Tune in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom dive into what Knee Crepitus is and how you can overcome the aches and pains in your knees. They inform you on the importance of continuing to explore your body, why your knees are making noises and how to gain confidence within your body. This podcast is created to give you the tools and education to continue moving forward and finding what optimal means for your body. Let’s dive in!

TOB Episode 65: Using Your Brain to Your Advantage with Mindset Expert Kara Loewentheil

Episode 65 | Using Your Brain to Your Advantage with Mindset Expert Kara Loewentheil

Suffer from negative thoughts? Anxiety? What about that constant comparison, especially as you scroll through social media? Or maybe even chronic pain?! Most of us experience some level of almost all of these. You are not alone. This episode with Kara Loewentheil, Master Coach, Mindset Expert, and Harvard graduate, will help you learn how to finally start killing those negative thoughts and retraining your brain! Kara provides evidence-based and relatable tools you can start with today to create true change and step into a confident person who owns their self-worth. Tune in to start exploring the power of your brain!

TOB Episode 64: Where to start the New Year with Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom

Episode 64 | Where to start the New Year with Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom

Happy New Year, Movers! Still unsure about what your resolutions are for the upcoming year? Unsure you should even HAVE resolutions, yet certain you want to crush all your goals in 2021?! You are definitely going to want to tune into this episode as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom dive into how to reframe your New Year’s "resolutions" so you can actually create true healthy habits that will carry you through the year. They will be covering various topics such as how to build sustainable change coming into this year along with tips and tricks in order to help you feel less stressed. Get ready to switch your intentions into true action and come into 2021 feeling prepared, excited and ready!

TOB Episode 63: Hypermobility and EDS? Learn more about them with Andrew and Katie of Whealth

Episode 63 | Hypermobility and EDS? Learn more about them with Andrew and Katie of Whealth

Super flexible? Do gumby type party tricks or know someone who does? Then you need to listen to this informative interview with Andrew Dettelbach and Katie Goss – founders of Whealth – on hypermobility, EDS and all that comes with it. Listen to these revealing truths behind double "jointedness" and hypermobility, along with the advantages that come with it! Learn all you need to know about hypermobility, how to self assess it, and how you can optimize it! Need more?! Andrew and Katie explain their new program, Whealth, and how you can start creating better habits towards your optimal body.

Episode 62 | What is The Optimal Body Membership?

What is the optimal body? What does optimal mean to you? Listen to this PT Pearl as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom dive into all that comes with an Optimal Body membership. They explain why discovering your optimal body is a unique and individual journey and how this membership provides the tools to helps you uncover it. As Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom constantly say, the benefit of movement is massive and needed. This programs educates you on how to efficiently get moving and achieve your optimal body with minimal to no equipment. It's beyond a "workout." This is about getting to know your body down to its foundation to truly help you understand how to relieve pain, optimize movement patterns and build resiliency within your body. This podcast uncovers all you'll need to know to get started on your journey towards your optimal body.

TOB Episode 61: How To Begin Optimizing Your Diet with Dr. Mike T. Nelson

Episode 61 | How To Begin Optimizing Your Diet with Dr. Mike T. Nelson

Feel like you’ve tried every diet in the book and nothing seems to work? Then you don’t want to miss out on this interview with Dr. Mike T. Nelson – research fanatic who specializes in metabolic flexibility and heart rate variability, online trainer, professor, and creator of the “Flex Diet Certification” – as he explains how you can start increasing your metabolism today. Dr. Mike T. Nelson breaks down what metabolic flexibility is and how to simplify your diet needs. He also dives into the benefits of fasting, how to properly work up to a fasting schedule, and who fasting is best for. You don’t want to miss out on this informative interview with knowledgeable Dr. Mike T. Nelson.

TOB Episode 60: What is The Mobility Method?

Episode 60 | What is The Mobility Method?

Want to know what the Mobility Method is all about? Need information before you can take the leap into your mobility journey? Don’t think you can achieve mobility? Tune in as Dr. Dom interviews Founder, Dr. Jen, as she explains mobility and why the Mobility Method is an individualized program for anyone to get to their most optimal, mobile self. Listen in as she explains the benefits of the initial assessment in the Mobility Method and how it can educate you further on your body and possible diagnosis. This program is the most cost effective way, with a one time investment, for you to explore and relieve your body of tension and restriction; from breathwork to specific mobility routines to information on mobility tools, this program has it all. You don’t want to miss out on all of these juicy details and a secret bonus hidden somewhere in this podcast!

TOB Episode 59: Let's Talk About Sex with Dr. Kristie Overstreet

Episode 59 | Let's Talk About Sex with Dr. Kristie Overstreet

Having intimacy issues in your relationships? Did you know there are 12 different types of intimacy? If not, you don’t want to miss this interview with Dr. Kristie Overstreet – clinical sexologist, certified sex therapist, psychotherapist, and so much more – as she dives into all topics regarding intimacy and relationship issues. Dr. Overstreet dives into all aspects of sex therapy from LGBTQIA+ medicine to how porn may have affected your sex life. Listen in as Dr. Overstreet uncovers how to take ownership of your relationship and how to ease into these uncomfortable conversations with your partner.

TOB Episode 58: Foot & Ankle Mobility: How To Begin & Why It's Important

Episode 58 | Foot & Ankle Mobility: How To Begin & Why It's Important

Feel like you NEED support in your shoes? Live in heels or cleats? Don’t understand why foot or ankle mobility might be important to you? Join Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom as they explain how external support might not be needed, why ankle and foot mobility is crucial for an optimal body, and how you can begin your journey. Listen in as they dive into simple tricks and exercises you can use today to increase your foot and ankle range of motion, as well as your overall health. Listen carefully to uncover a secret bonus surprise that has been hidden somewhere in this episode; one in which you don’t want to miss!

TOB Episode 57: Is Kettlebell Training Applicable to Everyone? With Expert, Marcus Martinez

Episode 57 | Is Kettlebell Training Applicable to Everyone? With Expert, Marcus Martinez

Curious about kettlebells? If you’re ready to pick up your first kettlebell or become a kettlebell master, listen to this interview with Marcus Martinez, the “Kettlebell poster boy”, to understand the benefits of kettlebells and how to grow your athletic abilities. Marcus is a master kettlebell coach for Kettlebell Kings as well as former master coach for ONNIT Academy, kettlebell certification trainer with Living.Fit, personal trainer, owner of MBody Strength Kettlebell Gym, and has been involved in the health and wellness industry since 2001. This interview will give you the ins and outs of the uniqueness of kettlebells compared to other tools and their ability to balance strength and fluidity in various ways. Join us as Marcus dives into how kettlebells create stronger, more explosive athletes with access to any and all movement patterns possible.

TOB Episode 56: Hip Flexor Tightness? The Real Culprit and True Solutions!

Episode 56 | Hip Flexor Tightness? The Real Culprit and True Solutions!

Does your job have you sitting all day? Feel tightness in your hip flexors? Listen in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom explain what might be happening at your hip joint and the best ways to combat that tightness. All of the factors that may go into your tightened muscles are uncovered and functional tools are given to relax that built up tension. If you really want to heal your body and get it to it’s optimal health, you’ve come to the right spot.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 55 - The LCK method to optimal hormones, health and body image with Laurie Christine King

Episode 55 | The LCK Method to Optimal Hormones, Health and Body Image

Have you ever struggled with gut health issues? What about hormone issues? Maybe even body image struggles? You are not alone. Learn from podcast guest, Laurie Christine King, Austin’s #1 personal trainer and nutritionist, as she opens up about her personal journey, what she’s learned and her recommendations to finally take control back of your own health and body. Listen towards the end to even hear from Doc Jen and Dr. Dom’s experience with some of these health struggles.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 54 - Frozen shoulder and what you can do to prevent and improve it

Episode 54 | Frozen Shoulder | What Can You Do to Prevent It & Improve It?

Have pain in your shoulder during certain movements? Join Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom as they explain why avoiding these movements may be a one way track to frozen shoulder. Listen to get all the information you need to get started on decreasing inflammation in your shoulder and learn how to notice other factors that may be causing this issue. Tune in as they dive into the benefits of manual therapy and why, if it is done with the right intention, it can give you back that range of motion you’ve been missing. Frozen shoulder may be a long and painful journey, but this podcast will provide tools and motivation you need to optimize and mobilize your body once again.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 53 - From the emergency room to weight room, what is the true determinant of health with Sam Sciaccia

Episode 53 | From the Emergency Room to Weight Room, What is the True Determinant of Health with Samantha Ciaccia

Looking for a quick fix for your pain? Then listen to this interview with Sam Ciaccia – trainer by day and physician assistant by night – as she explains what she runs into at the emergency room all the time and how you can avoid it. This podcast opens up our eyes to the reality of a "quick fix" and the importance of awareness and self care of one's body. Tune in for some body awareness exercises that you can implement in your day to day to make sure your body can be protected from possible troubles down the road.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 52 - Tension Headaches; The cause and recommended solutions

Episode 52 | Tension Headaches | The Cause and Recommended Solutions

Are headaches a constant nuisance in your life? Listen in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom explains tension headaches and their root causes. If you or a loved one experiences these types of headaches regularly, prevention techniques provided in this podcast may relieve symptoms at a higher rate than over the counter drugs. After listening, you will walk away with the knowledge necessary to achieve a less tense, optimal body.

Episode 51 | How Do Emotions Play a Role in Physical Pain with Edan Harari

Have a hard time showing emotion or being vulnerable? Feel like a lot of emotional walls are up and not sure how to break them down? Listen in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom interview Edan Harari – well known movement artist, high performance healing coach, and educator – as he unravels body work and what it entails. Edan dives into how the body releases tension and the importance of finding the right practice for you. Tune in as he guides you through different energy releasing techniques with the scientific and emotional benefits that follow. You don’t want to miss out on this in depth and healing conversation, for it provides the tools necessary to start your own optimal body journey.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 50 - Snapping hip syndrome with mountain climbers and abs. Find out why

Episode 50 | Snapping Hip Syndrome with Mountain Climbers & Abs?! Find out why!

Do your hips snap, crackle, and pop when performing a certain movement pattern? Not experiencing pain? Then join in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom dive into the importance of understanding your snapping hips to prevent possible chronic pain down the road; pain or not. They explain how important it is, no matter where you are as an athlete, to bring it back to the basics if experiencing snapping hip. Although it may seem “easier” than what you’re used to, it will create a stronger foundation so you can progress even further without putting your body in harm's way. So make sure to listen in and empower yourself to protect your body fully as you reach its optimal level.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 49 - TOB Episode 49: Break up with your food beliefs and learn to fuel the body with vegan chef, Hollan Hawaii

Episode 49 | Break up with your food beliefs and learn to fuel the body with vegan chef, Hollan Hawaii

Want to change your diet to a healthier one but don’t know how? Tune in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom interview Hollan Hawaii – expert in vegan, plant-based food and cleanses, liqueur dan bleu chef, health advocate, former restaurant owner, and mom of three – as she explains the nutritional benefits of eating more plants; whether you are plant based or not. Hate cooking? Hollan has some tips and tricks you can utilize in order to maintain a healthier diet while also staying out of the kitchen. Listen in to have your whole perspective on food and their nutrition change; creating opportunity to begin and maintain a healthier diet and life.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 48 - Ergonomics: What is the ideal desk posture and set up

Episode 48 | Ergonomics: What is the ideal desk posture and set-up?

When you think of ergonomics, do you think about those fancy office desks and chairs? If so, tune into this PT Pearl as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom fully explains what ergonomics is really about and how to obtain your optimal body in your work environment. Listen in to be empowered with different methods you can apply at home or bring to your supervisor in order to create a healthy work environment for everyone. This podcast is made to give you the power of setting an example, and hopefully a new norm, in your workplace; creating a healthy community instead of another dreaded work week full of bodily aches and pains.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 47 - Creation of barefoot shoes, VivoBarefoot, by co founder Galahad Clark

Episode 47 | Creation of Barefoot Shoes, Vivobarefoot, by Co-founder Galahad Clark

Do you believe that you absolutely need that arch support in your shoes? Love that feeling when you come home and take your shoes off? Join Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom as they interview Galahad Clark – CEO and co-founder of Vivobarefoot Shoes – and uncover why barefoot shoes benefit everyone. Galahad dives into the science behind barefoot shoes and how they have been shown to decrease pain throughout the body. Not only are Vivobarefoot shoes beneficial to your health, but the environment as well. Listen as Galahad reveals the sustainable mission he wishes to accomplish environmentally with Vivobarefoot shoes, as well as shoe production in general.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 46 - Groin pain and inner thigh strain explained

Episode 46 | Groin Pain and Inner Thigh Strain Explained

Want to know how you can possibly decrease your groin pain or inner thigh strain today? Tune in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom explores different inner thigh injuries, what populations tend to obtain these injuries, and exercises you can start today to decrease your pain. If you are an athlete of any kind, you have probably experienced one of these injuries and this podcast has the potential of increasing your performance while simultaneously decreasing your pain. If athletics is not your thing, this podcast will empower you with exploration techniques you can use on your hips to avoid or reduce risk of injury, as well as increase mobility and functionality.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 45 - Birth control and women's health with Dr. Jolene Brighten

Episode 45 | Birth Control and Women's Health with Dr. Jolene Brighten

Feel like sex ed didn’t really teach you about your body? Need birth control for your irregular periods or chronic acne? Tune into this extremely informative interview with Dr. Jolene Brighten – Naturopathic physician, author, and leader in women’s health – as she reveals the truths behind women’s health and birth control.   Did you know that a woman has a fertility window of one day per month? Or what the difference is between an STI and an STD? Dr. Brighten dives into these topics head first in order to make sure you fully understand the concepts behind what birth control, contraceptives, and periods really mean to women and their health.

Episode 44 | Losing Balance? Challenging Your Balance Systems

Think balance exercises are only for the elderly? Join Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom as they explain how balance is important for everyone and why.  Listen in to hear some balance tests, targeting three main systems of balance, to see if you can pass. How was it? Struggling? Find out how you can strengthen these skills and create a more sustainable future for your body. 

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 43 - using respiration and breath to explore your movement restrictions with Katie St. Clair

Episode 43 | Using Respiration and Breath to Explore Your Movement Restrictions with Katie St. Clair

Are you a woman in the professional world but suffer from imposter syndrome? Join Dr. Dom and Dr. Jen as they interview Katie St. Clair – certified CSCS and CPT trainer – about her journey of finding her voice in her career. Listen to this inspiring interview as Katie uncovers her experience with wanting to learn more in her field and gaining back the confidence to go after what she really wants in her career. If you feel as if you have been stagnant in your breath work, or just don’t know how to go about a breath work routine, tune in as Katie explains ways you can strengthen your respiratory system, as well as improve your overall movement quality; as well as the benefits from those routines.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 42 - Neck and upper back tension. Why you could be having overactive upper traps

Episode 42 | Neck and Upper Back Tension? Why You Could Be Having Overactive Upper Traps

Are your shoulders or neck constantly giving you trouble? Listen in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom dive into what the upper trapezius really is and why they’re so easily tensed. If you feel stressed over work, kids, the news, or anything really, this podcast will empower you to self treat your tensed muscles and give you back the independence you deserve. Tune in to gain an understanding of the foundations of the breath and how they increase your bodily awareness; all so you can live a more relaxed, tense free life.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 41 - Functional foods with Naturopathic student, Tyler Jean

Episode 41 | Functional Foods with Naturopathic Student, Tyler Jean

Ever think of food as medicine? If not, join Dr. Dom and Dr. Jen as they interview Tyler Jean – soon to be licensed Naturopathic doctor – as he explains how the best medication is in the grocery store. If you feel like you need more information on a personal level with your diagnosis, tune in as Tyler explains why seeing a Naturopathic doctor might be the best option for you. Feel bloated or gassy after consuming dairy products? Listen as Tyler dissects what really is happening within your body and explains the difference between intolerance and allergy. This podcast is so you can understand where to start on your health journey today by adding the best nutritionally dense foods in your diet so that you can live your best, healthiest life.

Episode 40 | IASTM - Do the hard tools clinicans use break up fascia? The truth about scraping.

Want to understand why IASTM, or soft tissue work using a tool, feels so good and is SO common? Join Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom as they explain some of the tools commonly used in IASTM and what they are really meant to do.  Listen in to be empowered with the right questions to ask your clinician so you can better understand what is happening within your body during massage or tissue work.  If you love hands on treatment from your clinician, great! This podcast will help you understand what you can add into your soft tissue work routine to achieve tissue recovery long term.  Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom wants you to have the power to incorporate what feels great to you in a healthy, sustainable, and up to date way. 

Episode 39 | What Does Building From The Foundation Truly Mean? Chat with MMA Professional Coach and Therapist, Dr. Jason Park

Struggling with advanced or complex movement patterns? Don’t really understand what the “basics” are? Join Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom as they interview Dr. Jason Park – Doctor of physical therapy as well as strength and conditioning, boxing, and muay thai coach for top UFC and BOFR athletes – about what it means to bring it back to the basics. Dr. Park explains how important it is, even for the top athletes he trains, to slow down and repeatedly revisit basic movement patterns in order to progress the body. Listen how he explains what these basic movement patterns are and how you can prepare your body for simple tasks you do in your daily life; whether it is running after a toddler or moving furniture, the basics apply to everyone! So don't miss out on Dr. Park’s insight on how you can explore and understand all the amazing movement patterns your body is capable of.

Episode 38 | From Achilles Tendinitis to Full Ruptures, Why Does it Happen and What Can You Start Doing About it Today?

Want to get back to a sport you love but haven’t done it in awhile? Listen in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom take you through what Achilles Tendinitis is and things you can start doing today to help avoid it. For all of the sports lovers out there, it's understandable that injuries can get in the way of playing the sport you love as often as you want. This podcast is for those who want to be able to play their sports (recreationally or professionally) safely without pain or negative repercussions; which most commonly are found in the achilles for high intensity sports such as basketball or tennis. Tune in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Dom dive into what steps and progressions are needed to safely play high intensity sports. They will be reviewing what systemic inflammation means within the own body to help leave more room for you to play your game, at any age, by keeping it painless and fun.

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 37 - From coaching olympians to everyday movers, what is the common theme with Max Artsis

Episode 37 | From Coaching Olympians to Everday Movers, What is The Common Theme with Max Artsis

Having a hard time with recovery? Listen to trainer Max Artsis as he dives into his experience with training athletes and high level performers; what it has taught him about individual movement patterns and recovery times.  Max advises how people, like you, can enhance their bodies and explore them to their full potential with simple daily habits; enhancing power and speed abilities with a 99.9% difference from the general public.  Tune in as he reveals his favorite tools of recovery and simple tricks you can use to better your health in your everyday life.  Become inspired by his motivating words on how we can all live more movement based, sustainable lives. 

Episode 36 - The cause of Sacroiliac Joint pain commonly known as SI Pain

Episode 36 | The Cause of Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Commonly Known as "SI Pain"

Have you ever been told you have a “stuck” or “unstable” SI joint? Struggling with SI pain? Tune in as Dr. Dom and Doc Jen explain what an SI joint, or a Sacroiliac joint, is and what it really means to have SI pain.  They explain the research behind SI pain and the most beneficial ways, in their expert opinions, experiences, and current research, to help reduce your pain and get you moving again!  Empower yourself with the tools and guidelines as they lay out how to help subdue that consistent low back pain without needing to rely on someone else for that manipulation or adjustment.

The Optimal Body Podcast - The mindset behind cancer recovery, injury prevention, and mental health with Beau Whitman

Episode 35 | The Mindset Behind Cancer Recovery, Injury Prevention, and Mental Health with Beau Whitman

Resistant to sharing your vulnerabilities? Then don’t miss out on this groundbreaking interview with Beau Whitman – cancer survivor, coach, and high level athlete – as he opens up about his injury and cancer journey.  Tune in as Beau dives into his athletic background and major injuries as an athlete; touching on how his mindset helped him cope with not only his injuries, but his cancer diagnosis as well. Beau unveils the way he reframed vulnerability, shedding a positive light on it, and its importance in connecting him with his community.  Lastly, listen as he talks about his struggles with breath and the tools he found to help him mentally realign during panic attacks or flashbacks.

The Optimal Body Podcast - Bunions! Why do we get them and can they go away

Episode 34| Bunions! Why Do We Get Them & Can They Go Away?

Embarrassed by your bunions? Join us as we explain what might be the root cause of your bunions and how common it really is.  Listen as we explain the importance of “checking up the chain” for underlying causes and why each diagnosis is individual.  Tune in as we dive into the taboos behind treatments and studies of bunions and why going to a physical therapist might be your best option.  Don’t miss out on the tools we provide that you can start today to functionally gain control of your feet; along with the insights on why VivoBarefoot shoes help build your foundation long term. 

Episode 33 | Exploring How Self-Love Can Affect Overall Health, Illness, and Recovery with Sierra Nielsen

Confused what self-love really means? Why is everyone talking about it? Join us as Sierra Nielsen – personal trainer, nutritionist, and transformation coach – gives us wisdom on what self-love is all about and her journey with it.  Tune in as she explains what it's like to go through traumatic life events, even with a lack of support around, and how to work through loneliness along the journey. She dives in to how you can take your power back by bringing awareness and acknowledgement to those feelings surrounding your trauma; why vulnerability, although scary at first, is therapeutic and healing.  Lastly, listen as she gives advice on how you can truly focus on your self-love journey, without the distractions of social media, and how much the body and mind are intertwined.

The Optimal Body Episode 32 Doc-Jens Journey Scoliosis Hip Flexor Strains Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and more

Episode 32 | Doc Jen's Journey: Scoliosis, Hip Flexor Strains, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and more!

Ever feel like your body is trying to tell you something? Listen as Doc Jen dives into her own movement journeys as a gymnast and her experiences with pain and injury.  Tune in as she explains what it was like being injured as a gymnast and how those injuries have impacted her body through today.  She also demonstrates from her own body why structure and diagnoses, although good to have at times, should not become a crutch for your everyday life; why it shouldn’t cause you to avoid certain movement patterns.  Doc Jen explains her scoliosis diagnosis and how she learned to take control of her body through her breath.  Lastly, hear how Doc Jen’s body talked to her, or gave her signs, and how you, too, can gain confidence within your own body.

Episode 31: Chase Chewning Army Veteran's Journey to Healing His Emotional And Physical Injuries

Episode 31 | An Army Veteran's Journey to Healing His Emotional And Physical Injuries with Chase Chewning

Wish you could be vulnerable with people about your traumatic past? Join us as we interview Chase Chewning – Army Veteran, podcast host, and certified coach – as he explains his own traumatic story and how he has gained the courage to speak about it; his advice on how you can too.  Listen as he dives into his life in the Army, enrolling at 17 years old, and how it affects him in his current life.  He explains how his emotional traumas took a big role in his severe physical injuries and how he’s conquered those obstacles.  Lastly, listen in as Chase talks about how the body communicates to us and why it's so important to acknowledge those signs rather than ignore them.

TOB Episode 30: Dr. Dom's Injury and Pain Journey

Episode 30 | Dr. Dom's Injury And Pain Journey

Join us as Dr. Dom dives into his personal journey with injuries as an athlete.  Listen as he explains that, although a physical therapist, he still has functional limitations within his own body. He explains what type of injuries he has ran into, what he did in the past for them, and how he treats them now. Listen as we dive in to male pelvic floor control issues, knee injuries, and neck injuries with Dr. Dom and what he has learned from it all; explaining how daily practices are so important for the body.

TOB Episode 29: Intermittent Fasting, Hormones, and Women's Health with Registered Dietitian Julia Glanz

Episode 29 | Intermittent Fasting, Hormones, and Women's Health with Registered Dietitian, Julia Glanz

Feel like you’ve tried everything, from working out to eating healthy, and still have little to no results? Listen to the interview with Julia Glanz – registered dietician, strength and conditioning coach, speed and agility coach, and former D1 athlete for soccer – as she enlightens us on what might be the true cause.  Tune in as Julia explains how stress levels can affect your weight loss progress and what tests and clinicians she recommends; going into detail on where to start.  She also lets us in on her own lab results (something she's never shared publicly) and the current steps she is taking toward healing her body through adaptation of her environment and behaviors; explaining the power of dialing it back.  Lastly, Julia goes over what time restricted eating, or intermittent fasting, is and how it differs from men to women. She gives us a glimpse into how women can schedule their exercise and nutritional habits around their menstrual cycle for an optimal balance. This podcast is full of juicy education. Get your pens and paper out because you will WANT to take notes!

TOB Episode 28: Hip Shift? Rotated Pelvis? What Does It Mean?

Episode 28 | Hip Shift? Rotated Pelvis? What Does It Mean?

What does it really mean to have a leg length discrepancy? Why do we feel better after getting our pelvis adjusted? Does it stay in place after it is adjusted? When did it fall out of place in the first place? How do I know this initiated my pain? How do I know if it will last? Adjusting the pelvis is one of the most commonalities we see amongst clinicians from PT to Chiropractor to Osteopath. Why is it so common? Listen in as we explain what these diagnoses mean and how common they really are.  Join us as we dive into why these diagnoses or manual techniques may not be the most beneficial for you long term.  Lastly, we go into detail on how you can create real, long-lasting change within your own body, without relying on a clinician for an adjustment!

TOB Episode 27: Evaluating Research with Biomechanist and Professor, Dr. Scott Lynn

Episode 27 | Evaluating Research with Biomechanist and Professor, Dr. Scott Lynn

Join us as Dr. Scott Lynn, Jen's very own Biomechanics PhD professor from California State University, Fullerton, breaks down the research of biomechanics and brings us back to the individual in movement. With his background working in professional sports like baseball and golf, over 20 years of publishing and reviewing research articles and journals, Dr. Lynn has uncovered the best ways to avoid injury and optimize our movement patterns. Listen as he unleashes all of his biomechanical wisdom on how you can achieve optimal movement. Lastly, tune in as we breakdown what the Coba Board is, why Dr. Lynn is involved, and how his own research on this tool reveals how it can help you achieve optimal glute activation in both a squat and hinge pattern.

TOB Episode 26: Gluteal Amnesia - How to Actually Get Your Butt To Activate

Episode 26 | Gluteal Amnesia: How to Actually Get Your Butt to Activate

Want to learn how to activate your glutes and grow that booty? Been told you’re more “quad dominant”? Feel more quads, low back or hamstrings when you workout? Tune in as we explain how to truly activate your glutes and breakdown what those terms mean.  Listen as we explain the biggest mechanical leaks when deadlifting and how to improve your form.  Feel like you still can’t get that correct form? Tune in to learn how the Coba Board gives you the exact external cues you may be missing in order to get that perfect deadlift within your own body. Then, don't forget to catch the YouTube as well as we review other common exercises to perfect your form and maximize those glute gains.

TOB Episode 25: Exploring Yoga with Physical Therapist Lara Heimann

Episode 25 | Exploring Yoga with Physical Therapist, Lara Heimann

Listen in as Lara Heimann, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Yoga educator, explains how brain mapping has changed her yoga practice. She outlines her LYT method, her experience with teaching yoga instructors, and how bringing it back to the basics can strengthen your practice. Tune in as she explains why functional movement, mobility, and core integration are more important than getting that "next yoga pose".

TOB Episode 24: Shin Splints - What Is It and Why Do We Get It?

Episode 24 | Shin Splints: What Is It and Why Do We Get It?

Have a history with shin splints? Like to run, hike, or just have a real passion for walking the dog, but can’t go on with these favorite hobbies of yours because of that pain in your shins? Listen as we explain what shin splints, or medial tibial stress syndrome, is and how you can combat it. We explain the differences between shin splints and other injuries and how they may feel similar. Then we dive into tools you can utilize to discover what is happening within your body. Then listen (or watch through YouTube!) as we walk you through different exercises that will help you avoid shin splint pain when paired with consistency.

TOB Episode 23: Overcoming Chronic Pain and Holistic Rehab with Matt Erb

Episode 23 | Overcoming Chronic Pain and Holistic Rehab with Matt Erb

Experience pain on a daily basis? Don’t understand the differences between chronic and acute pain? Join us as we dive into these terms and what it really means to have pain.  We also explain how your beliefs about the pain you experience can change the way your body receives it. Listen as we break down methods for you to ease the pain within your own body. Then later, listen to Matt Erb explain why he transitioned from a Doctor of Physical Therapy using traditional methods to a more integrated approach.  Listen as he breaks down what it really means to be an integrated or biopsychosocial therapist and how a session with one would look.  Join him as he takes you through simple breathing exercise to become more aware of your body.  Lastly, he explains how trauma can cause pain within the body and why.

TOB Episode 22: Plantar Fasciitis Pearl and Myofascial Release with Jill Miller

Episode 22 | Plantar Fasciitis Pearl and Myofascial Release with Jill Miller

Do you have pain on the bottom of your feet? Been diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis? Join us as we talk about the Dos and Don’ts for Plantar Fasciitis and how long you should expect for the pain to subside. We also explain what Plantar Fasciopathy is and who may be at risk. Later, we talk to Jill Miller, founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and empress of massage therapy, about different massage therapy techniques and tools. We also touch up on her personal journey towards regenerative fitness and how she created it. Come listen to her explain myofascial release, the truths and myths about it, and how you can manipulate fascia to decrease pain.

TOB Episode 21: Move Lymph to Improve Mobility and Diet Tips with Toni Marinucci

Episode 21 | Move Lymph to Improve Mobility and Diet Tips with Toni Marinucci

How much water are you drinking? How often do you bounce? Join us as we talk about the Lymphatic system and how you can help regulate the fluids within your body.  We cover some nodule locations and neuro-lymphatic points to help you quickly activate and regulate that lymphatic system. We also explore dry brushing and how it positively affects our systems and overall moods. Then, we get some insight on nutrition and food tracking from registered dietician and business owner, Toni Marinucci.  While getting her Masters degree in nutrition and dietetics, Toni struggled having that healthy balance with her nutrition; only focusing on how she looked rather than how she felt.  Dating the same kind of guy? Have the habit of emotionally eating? Listen to how Toni makes the connection between romantic relationships and emotional eating habits and how you can better your relationship with your food.

Episode 20 | Neuro Re-education Pearl and Anti-Racism in Healthcare with Dr. Jen Hutton

How long has it been since you’ve rolled, crawled, or squatted?! In this episode, we explain neuromuscular re-education and why these movement patterns are important. Dead Bugs? Bridges? What are these? Join us as we explain these exercises and how they will benefit your everyday life.  Then, we interview Dr. Jennifer Hutton, aka, Dr. JPop, a pediatric physical therapist, who practices a holistic approach by maintaining open communication with her patients. She also mentions her experiences with systemic racism in the medical field and how you can combat uncomfortability in today’s movement for black and indigenous lives across America.

Episode 19 | Wrist Pain Pearl and Meal Prep Guidance with MeowMeix

Wrist pain during push-ups and planks? They shouldn't be. In this episode, we'll break down the common wrist diagnoses and help guide you into what you can start doing to hopefully help relieve some of those symptoms! Then, we get into an insightful interview with our friend, Amanda Rocchio, more commonly known as MeowMeix on Instagram. After recovering from anorexia, Amanda dove into nutrition to learn how to start truly fueling her body. Through the process, she's become an expert in nutrition and meal prep. ​She currently helps educate millions of people all over the world on easy ways to start prepping food and understanding complex nutrition.

Episode 18 | Tendonitis vs Tendonopathy Pearl and Natalie Jill's Journey through Back Pain and more!

Why do our joints hurt?! What is tendonitis, tendonosis, and tendinopathy?! Tune into this episode with Doc Jen and Dr Dom as they dive into what the differences are between these and how to address them! After this we interview Natalie Jill Hollan, fat loss expert and author. Natalie opens up about her journey with chronic pain, her two surgeries on her back, a distal bicep repair and how being an influencer and author in the wellness space has impacted her experience.

Episode 17 | Sleeping Position Pearl and Understanding Collagen and Coffee

Waking up feeling achy, stiff and sore? Thinking it may be your bed, mattress, pillows or sleeping position?? Tune into this episode as we guide you through the "optimal" sleeping positions to prevent stiffness and leave you feeling refreshed by the morning. After that PT Pearl, we interview Adam Von Rothfelder, owner and CEO of Strong Coffee. Adam's unique approach to coffee will have you reexamining your morning cup while learning about supplements that can truly support our body.

Episode 16 | IT Band Syndrome Pearl and Consequences of Over-Training with Danielle Pascente

Experience pain at the side of your knee? Ever been told it's your IT Band and you should probably roll it out? Well, we'll break down what the IT Band is, why you might be getting pain, and what you can start doing today to relieve that pain! Then, we dive into an awesome interview with fitness expert, Danielle Pascente, as she walks us through her journey with overtraining and the consequences her body took on as a result. Especially if you're a woman, you're going to want to tune into this one!

Episode 15 | Reduce Bloating and Understand Gut Health

Bloated often? Unsure about what to do to help your gut or confused on what supplements and vitamins you should be taking?? We will break down the manual techniques you can start doing today to help reduce that bloat and we go into a very informative interview with guest Sara Cullen, CEO of GEM, the anti-vitamin. A healthy gut makes a healthy body.

Episode 14 | Low Back Spasm Pearl and a PT's Back Pain Story

Do you ever experience moments of low back pain? To the point of spasm? Do you feel like you can't move sometimes? Maybe it locks up? Dr. Domenic and Dr. Jen will break down why low back spasms take place, what you can start doing about them, and then we get to chat with Dr. Yonnie Procter about her experience with low back pain, spasms, and so much more!

Episode 13 | Hip Impingement Pearl and Mindset Training with Mike Aidala

Worried about pinching at the front of the hip? Pain with squats, mountain climbers, or bike riding!? Tune into this PT Pearl and stay tuned for incredible tips on mind-body connection from our guest and good friend, Mike Aidala.

Episode 12 | Meniscus Injury and The Prehab Guys

Meniscus injuries can feel daunting. Does that mean you're on the road to Osteoarthritis? Can a meniscus heal itself? Did I need surgery? After I have surgery, can I return to my previous activity? We want to take the stress and worry away from you and teach you how you can start bulletproofing your knees TODAY!
Next, we jump into an awesome interview with Dr. Michael Lau of The Prehab Guys. He is also a Doctor of Physical Therapy empowering people with the tools to help themselves and in this episode we learn how Michael has battled his own experience of low back pain and how you can as well!

Episode 11 | Breathwork and Brian MacKenzie

What is Breathwork? Why is it suddenly a hot topic? What is the science behind it? And how does it actually relate to pain in the body? We'll break it all down for you in today's podcast, with special guest, and breath expert, Brian MacKenzie. What you will learn in PT Pearl 11: Breathwork - How to Reduce Stress, Relieve Pain, & Improve Your Health.

Episode 10 | Got Knee Pain? Get Strong At Every Angle

Struggle with knee pain when doing stairs, squats, running or jumping? You’ll definitely want to tune into the PT Pearl on Patellofemoral Syndrome! After, they dive right into an interview with personal trainer and movement expert, Venus Lau.

“The intention of the exercise is just as important as the movement. We must take our body through full ranges of motion, matching strength + flexibility + stability. Connect your breath + rhythm, while actually enjoying the exercise for the movement to reach its full potential of effectiveness and achieve any goal we set.” -Venus Lau

Episode 9 | Scoliosis, Overcoming Back Pain & The Strongest Woman Alive

Today, Jen and Dom bring you their PT Pearl on Scoliosis! After they are done sharing their words of wisdom, they dive right into their interview with fellow physical therapist, Dr. Stefi Cohen. In this podcast, they'll dive into exactly what scoliosis is, as well as different types of scoliosis, most common type & WHY, what you can start to do TODAY to address the cause & start to FEEL BETTER, and then right after, they have an incredible interview with Stefi Cohen, a fellow doctor of physical therapy, strength coach, professional powerlifter and the co-owner of hybrid performance method.

Episode 8 | A PT's Recovery After 10 Surgeries

In this episode, you'll discover... The Mobility Test! Can you go from sitting on the ground to standing up without using your hands, knees, or wobbling? How to improve your FOUNDATIONAL mobility. The 30 Second Sit To Stand Test. Follow Doc Jen as she takes you through a test that will help you become a more functional moving human. Interview with Dr. Stacie Morris and her story of 10 orthopedic surgeries.

Episode 7 | Fixing Anterior Pelvic Tilt & Concussion Story

What you'll learn in this episode: 1.) Jen takes you through an exercise assessment for anterior and posture pelvic tilt. 2.) Why we prefer to create stimulation versus smashing to release tension in muscles. 3.) The technique Jen recommends for creating TRUE positive change in your body for when you are going through every day life. 4.) Dom’s recommendations to become more powerful, functional, and feel better now. 5.) Interview with the inspiring Physical Therapist, Molly Parker, who has had post-concussion syndrome and a sensorimotor disorder for 7 years.

Episode 6 | Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and guest, Shante Cofield

Tingling and numbness, scoliosis, Darth Vader, Instagram fame and more! What You'll Learn Today: All about Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). How addressing the neck and shoulder area improves symptoms. The importance of understanding entrapment. Jen’s story of living with scoliosis. The causes of numbness and tingling. The best program for a lifelong journey to get and maintain your optimal health. Learn some amazing skills with Dr. Shante Cofield, better known as the Movement Maestro.

Episode 5 | Torn Rotator Cuff? Time to Move U!

Today’s PT Pearl is all about the rotator cuff. What you will learn: What is the rotator cuff. What can cause acute and chronic inflammation and pain. How bad posture affects your rotator cuff and causes a pinching pain. Jen & Dom’s favorite exercises to maintain rotator cuff health and ease pain. The 30 For 30 rule that you’ll love. Today’s Interview is with DR. MIKE WASILISIN and ANDREW DETTELBACH from Move U.

Episode 4 | Piriformis syndrome and Myodetox

Today, Jen & Dom dive into your most requested PT Pearl on...Piriformis Syndrome!!!  Along with this gem of a PT Pearl, they also welcome Vinh Pham a.k.a "Vinnie Rehab" to the show! Vinh is a physical therapist, strength coach, professional powerlifter and the co-owner of hybrid performance method. Vinh has broken 25 all-time world records, across three different weight classes, and deadlifted more than four and a half times his body weight- something no other lifter has ever done. Vinh loves sharing strength training principles, how he built a successful business using his PT degree, tips on back pain injuries in regards to lifting, biomechanics, misconceptions...and so much more! 

Episode 3 | Disc Herniation To Supple Leopard

Today, Jen and Dom bring you their PT Pearl on Disc Herniation! After they are done sharing their words of wisdom, they dive right into their first interview with fellow physical therapist, Dr. Kelly Starrett. What You Can Expect: How disc herniation happens and what you can do about it. How to teach your brain to respond to pain. Strategies to help you with disc herniation. And last but not least. an interview with Dr. Kelly Starrett.

Episode 2 | Why Mobility & Why Us?

Welcome To Episode 2 of The Optimal Body Podcast! In this episode you’ll: Learn more about the story behind Doc Jen and Doctor Dom. Learn the importance of mobility. What the difference is between flexibility and mobility. Learn the wrist exercise that Doc Jen & Doctor Dom recommend for push-ups, planks, and working on the computer all the time.

Episode 1 | Welcome To The Optimal Body Podcast

Welcome To The Optimal Body Podcast! In this FIRST episode you’ll: Meet Doc Jen and Doctor Dom. Discover the importance of exploring different avenues in order to tap into the body's own healing system. Learn what you can expect from The Optimal Body.

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