Podcast Category: Breathwork

341 | The Power of Breathwork to Release Stress, Relieve Pain and Heal with Samantha Skelly

Struggling with anxiety? Feeling overwhelmed?  – What if something as simple as breathwork self-healed? A tool constantly overlooked, but within us, is our breath. Samantha dives into her story about breathwork and how her first experiences changed her mental and bodily state. In addition to diving into the science of how breathwork can be a primary determinant of the state your nervous system is in, Samantha provides you with solutions to integrate breathwork when you’re busy or stressed, types of breath practices for different events in your life, the optimal frequency for breathwork, and what it means to truly pause. Finally, she dives into how you can begin teaching breathwork at an early age and the impact this has on the younger generation. Let’s dive in!

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289 | A Practical and Individualized Approach to Nutrition with Tamar Samuels

We’re discussing it all with Tamar Samuels, co-founder of Culina Health. By distinguishing the difference between eating disorders and disordered eating,  Tamar discusses common symptoms of disordered eating and whether or not emotional eating is bad? Then, she discusses the role of the FODMAP diet and the cautionary measures she advises when taking aboard the low FODMAP diet for IBS and SIBO. Furthermore, she discusses the role of behaviour change, how to address emotional eating, and how to approach weight loss more sustainably. Finally, Tamar touches base with the calories in and out debate, approaching the matter from a holistic biopsychosocial approach.

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287 | A Body By Breath with Jill Miller

Jill Miller, the founder of TuneUp Fitness, speaks about bringing awareness to breathing and what it means to modulate the nervous system according to different experiences throughout life. While explaining the autonomic nervous system, Jen describes the three zones of breathing and how they are manipulated through times of digestion and healing to exertion and through emergency situations. Furthermore, she discusses diaphragmatic tension through the context of “sucking in the stomach” and pregnancy changes. Then, she dives into the role of interception and how breath relates to both short-term and long-term pain. Finally, she explains relaxation-induced anxiety and how working on fascial tissue can leverage motility around the respiratory muscles and allow for relaxation

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189 | Understanding how the Whole Body Contributes to Chronic Pain with Dr. Perry Nickelston

Dr. Perry shares the origins of his practice and how his practice has evolved as he learned more about how all the systems are truly integrated. Expanding beyond the exact pain point, Dr. Perry shines light on the lymphatic system as a system that connects the whole. With a common focus on nutrient delivery and doing more to see successful results, Dr. Perry shares how less is more and how it may be worth looking at the elimination phase of cellular health. Explaining fundemental physiology, Dr. Perry touches base with the importance of order, nasal breathing, the diaphragm m movement, and stress. With small bouts of tips, Dr, Perry shares the significance of the lymphatic system and how it can be your secret to truly optimizing your health. Finally, he explores the realms of paradigm shifts in pain science, how pain can perpetuate itself with psychological influences, and how pain and inflammation closely relates to efficient and adequate elimination.

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184 | Our 4 Favorite Breath Exericses

DocJen & Dr. Dom present 4 different breath exercises: variations of box breathing, extended breathing, the one-minute reset, and Wim Hoff Breathing. They dive into how to perform these exercises, how these different exercises can be advantageous, how breathing can be beneficial in mobility, and how breathing can optimize CO2 tolerance, especially done nasally. Let’s dive into breath work!

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170 | Reduce Your Symptoms of Bloating

Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom breakdown the anatomy and different components of the gut. After discussing their experiences with gut issues, they dive into how gut mobility and motility relates to fascial connections.  By describing different manual techniques to help reduce that bloat, they hone in on the importance of diaphragmatic breathing and the role of the nervous system, as well as different movement patterns that can ease the pressure in the gut. 

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161 |Becoming Your Own Superhero with Don Saladino

Don Saladino, the celebrity trainer and fitness expert, offers a compelling perspective on aging, goal setting, body positivity, nutrition, and finding a balanced lifestyle for YOU. With an emphasis on individualization and intuition, Don shares how he navigates aesthetic goals with an open and mindful approach, discussing discipline and addressing its fine line with dysregulated habits around eating. In addition to a discussion about setting goals, Don discusses the phenomena of metabolic flexibility and how to approach cravings, calories, and blood sugar.

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160 | Understanding Breathwork to Reduce Pain and Reduce Inflammation

DocJen & Dr. Dom dive into stress and recovery and how breath can be one simple tool to access the different states. They describe the differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, how they related to principles of survival, and how these principles manifest in pain. By talking through the power of diaphragmatic breathing, and the differences between anaerobic and aerobic, they provide insight into their best techniques and tools to understand your own breath and how to determine what breathwork to use when.

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151 | Understanding the Health Benefits of Nasal Breathing and Breathwork

Brian Mackenzie is on for the second time to explain the science behind breath and how it can modulate panic, anxiety, and pain. Brian discusses how we can control our breathing to upregulate or downregulate the body. In light of his Nosevember challenge, Brian dives into the anatomy and physiology of nasal breathing and how it plays into deviated septums, snoring, pain, and switching on the parasympathetic nervous system.

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141 | Smarter Yoga Principles with Action Hiro

Hiro discusses his method of bridging science and anatomy with the spirituality of Yoga. Hiro paves the path of his journey from Ashtanga Yoga to his current Body Smart Yoga method, discussing how mobility can allow safe access into different postures and rid your pain. He addresses the trending wave of focus on aesthetics and shapes in yoga, and how that distracts from respecting anatomical differences. Finally, Hiro shares his programs and challenges that outline the drills, exercises, and knowledge that got him out of pain. Let’s take a deep dive into practicing yoga without pain!

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