109 | Can you improve your Yoga Practice while building strength?


Welcome to episode 109 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Can you improve your yoga practice while building strength?

Is Yoga your only form of exercise? Wondering why only Yoga is not enough Fear you will lose flexibility from strength training? Jenni & Travis break down strength training, through the context of Yoga, and provide insight into why movement variety is important. As they explain their respective drivers to their passion in promoting strength training through the Yoga practice, they explain the different types of Yoga and explain how certain Yoga practices dominate as an endurance-based movement. They unveil the Yogi advantage to already having the range of motion to build true strength and the ease in coaching Yogis as they have analogous movement patterns to strength-based exercises and base-level understanding through movement. As a result of their passion, they speak into how their guide promotes confidence as it maps and integrates yoga poses with strength training. Finally, they let us in on how to balance your yoga practice with strength training in terms of time and frequency. As lovers of Yoga themselves, they empathize with the reluctance Yogis feel with fewer practices, but recognize the profound effects strength training has on flexibility, susceptibility to injury, and performance in the Yoga practice itself.  Move more optimally, through your favorite Yoga practice, more safely, and with strength with Jenni & Travis!

We also mention a $20 discount for Jenni and Travis’s Strength for Yogis Guide throughout the episode. To learn how you can balance out your yoga practice with yoga-inspired strength training and strength training fundamentals, use code ‘OPTIMAL20’ at checkout! (affiliate code)

What you will learn in this interview with Jenni Rawling & Travis Pollen:

2:40 – What drives Jenni & Travis

7:12 – Types of yoga

12:58 – Yoga, injury, endurance

17:36 – Taking strength training progressions to your mat

22:21 – Myths around strength vs flexibility

26:43 – Ease in coaching strength for yogis

28:00 – Mapping yoga poses with strength exercises

32:48  – How to balance strength training with yoga

37:50  – What to do if the weight room or time is a barrier

41:12  – Learn more with Jenni & Travis

About Jenni Rawling & Travis Pollen:

Jenni Rawlings has completed a wealth of training and learning in the fields of yoga, anatomy, and movement science. She writes regularly for Yoga International and for her own body geek-focused yoga website, where she also offers science-based yoga classes and continuing education courses for yogis.

Travis Pollen is an author, personal trainer, and Ph.D. in Health & Rehabilitation Sciences. His research focuses on core stability, movement screening, training load, and injury risk appraisal. He also holds a master’s degree in Biomechanics and Movement Science along with an American record in Paralympic swimming.

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