129 | Mindset training with Mike Aidala

Mindset Training with Mike Aidala
Welcome to episode 129 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Mindset training with Mike Aidala

Struggling with mindset? Wondering how language affects mindset? Curious to dive deeper within yourself? Mike Aidala, a health and wellness expert, explores mindset in its whole capacity. With a look into his background, Mike shares his “addiction” to yoga and the mental space it provided him in helping him perform better with his lifting. He leads by example, setting the example of this dualism in his movement practice, opening up the freedom to embrace all schools of movement. Furthermore, he explains his mind-first approach to setting up goals, and how shifting your language to create more choice can make all the difference. His “shouldfast” techniques drop the judgment, bring more awareness, and allows individuals to be more present with their choices. Then, Mike unveils his journey to riding the wave of vulnerability. He provides his top tips for addressing physical manifestations of emotions and how to combat the fears and repercussions that come with failure. Finally, he offers his top recommendations on how to start diving into yourself. Let’s dive into all things mindset.

What You Will Learn in this Interview with Mike Aidala

3:30 –  Mike’s Background

5:51 – Addiction to the athletic mindset (lifting + yoga)

7:15 – Opening your movement practices to find mind balance

8:23 – How to approach the mind in setting up goals

11:16 – Shifting language to create choice instead of judgment

12:51 – The “shouldfast:” how to implement language shifts

16:06 – The power of presence

17:13 – How did Mike navigate vulnerability?

21:35 – How emotions physically manifest

25:46 – How Mike approaches his client’s failure

30:26 – How to start diving into yourself: gratitude & hot baths

33:19 – Learn more with Mike

About Mike Aidala:

Mike Aidala is a leading health and wellness expert who has been mentioned in: Men’s Journal, GQ, AskMen, Gear Patrol, Well+Good, PopSugar, Harper’s Bazaar, Valet Magazine, and more. He is one of the top personal coaches in America and has been coaching and guiding others for over 15 years.

Mike’s various programs are for individuals who want to establish an enhanced, more familiar relationship with their body and mind. Using a range of modalities, Mike creates personalized programs to build stability, flexibility, and strength for efficient, effective life control. You will learn to pay attention as you move through the world, cultivating an awareness that will lead to a healthy and happy life!

Mike is also a lifetime athlete having experience from collegiate football to Olympic weightlifting, competitive stand-up paddleboarding, ultra marathons, hand-balancing, strongman, big mountain biking and skiing, partner acrobatics, yoga, and much more! Mike has spent his life seeking and studying a state of awareness through movement and introspective wellness practices.

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